My Why, Charlotte Ann

Meet Charlotte Ann, my gift

Once upon a time I had two Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, Toby & Clover. I often wondered what would happen when one of them passed before the other. I figured Clover was going to pass after Toby (let's all admit we worry about who goes first right?) but she fooled me and passed first after a short but valiant battle with congestive heart failure in 2015 (no one wins that battle I'm sure). So there was Toby-now an only doggy after 12 years of being the older brother doggy. Long story short I was in Reno in September of 2016 and learned of an adorable little 8 year old Cavalier named Charlotte who needed a new place to live. Lucky me, I got to provide her the new place. I travelled from Reno to Phoenix to pick her up, flew from Phoenix to Dallas with this little stranger accompanying me. I called her Charlotte Ann Toll, CAT, because she had some cat-like quirks. She met Toby and our story continued through the next 6 years: through Toby's passing in December 2017, to me bringing home a puppy (Whiskey), to bringing home another puppy (Griffon) for the other puppy (who was wearing Charlotte out), to a call from a trusted friend who said "I have a 4 year old tricolor male with a heart murmur who needs a home-his name is Diego, but I know you want a tricolor to call Dash-he could be your Dash." All of the sudden I had 4 Cavaliers! One in every color! Lifetime goal achieved!! After Covid upended all our lives we moved from Texas back to Arizona in 2021. I realized her time was coming to an end, and knew I wanted more than just cellphone camera photos of her. So I decided to tackle digital photography with a REAL camera in an attempt to capture more memories of my dear sweet girl. See, once upon another time, I was a young human person studying Photography in college. I was more of a view camera, black and white, polaroid type 55 kind of girl. Photoshop was only a couple of years old at this point and I dismissed digital because well I was an art school nerd who was using non-silver printing techniques because I could. Let's return focus to the real story; Back to early 2022, I had loads of digital images of my Charlotte (and my first 2 Cavaliers as well) but none of them high enough quality to print big. I made the investment of money into a professional digital camera as well as the investment of time trying to master this computer dressed as a camera. So why do I want to make pet portraits? Because our memory gets foggy (my memories are foggy) but now I have some really beautiful meaningful images of my dear sweet Charlotte. From September 20 2016 to August 23 2022 I was so very fortunate to be Charlottes human. When I miss her (which is frequently) I can look at these images and feel the connection that made me "her person." I want to make sure you can also have meaningful images too, if you want them. Dogs are ephemeral gifts, we are lucky to live with them.

Thank you for letting me share my charlotte with you, she was the very best girl.